Sunday, May 13, 2007
When I came to, I was still in the cell. An ominous quiet had settled in the station, like when you're in the middle of a park and all the birds go silent at the same time.
Walking up to the bars, I noticed there was no movement around. I rested my hands on the bars, trying to see to the left and right of me, and realized the the cell door was ajar.
What?? I tapped it lightly, and it swung open easily. What are you supposed to do in situations like these? Do you take advantage and just
leave? Or do you do the honorable thing and wait around until someone notices that you sat like a good dog and didn't leave.
Screw this.I tiptoed out, feeling like a masked burglar in one of those violent cartoons they show on Saturday morning television. Not a soul was in sight. I ran to the desk where they had taken my information and inked my hands.
This was too easy, what's the trick? I grabbed any piece of paper that had my name written on it and stuffed them in my pockets.
I was out the front door within a matter of seconds... and free.

11:08 AM
O bugger.
Some people have all the luck.
not when you're accused of killing your girlfriend. -,-
One time this guy I was seeing tried to kill me.
Oh wait...
Well, look on the bright side china. You mostly got away with it. *shrug*
Why don't you just run away Mr. Silas? I'll bet there's tons of places you could hide, or we could hide you from these weird "car" things.