Saturday, April 7, 2007
My vision focused on the rusty sink basin, my heart racing as if I was there again, in the flat with that horrid thing just looking at me. I rubbed my face hard, trying to get the images out of my mind. I wasn't ready to deal with those right now. I thought I was alone until I heard an uncomfortable cough from behind me of some truck driver who wanted to use the sink as well. I slid over and leaned up against the cold tile wall, closed my eyes, and tried to get my bearings.
I was hungry. I had no idea when the last time I had eaten.
My clothes were still a dishevelled mess.
And Bobbie wasn't here. I fumbled in my pocket for my mobile phone, but it was gone. I knew it was gone before I even looked for it. I swept to the door of the restroom, left the sanctuary of Happy Meals and glowering clown statues, and found a payphone around the side of the building.
I dialed collect to the flat directly. No answer. The hum of the phone ringing was condescending to my ear.
I just want to talk to her dammit! I called again, then again, like a madman; like there was a faint hope of her just happening to be walking in the door when I called. I never have the luck.
I started walking home, well at least in the general direction I
thought was home. The sooner I started, the sooner I could see her.

7:45 AM